Speech to General Synod 2021
Achieving divestment from all fossil fuel extraction companies this year is an exceptional result. I believe this amounts to around €50m being moved out of fossil fuels over the last decade, with no negative impact to investment return performance.
I must thank Mr Henry Saville and the Investment Committee, and the staff at the RCB, especially Sarah Dunne, for working hard to achieve the target in the private members motion from 2018.
I'd also like to thank the Methodist President, The Rev Dr Yambasu for reminding us earlier that in many issues the "the poorest and most vulnerable suffer the most", that “the world is our family”, and we must cooperate to respond to these justice issues.
This is not a bandwagon, it is an integral part of our mission. And all of us need to sing from the hymn sheet of justice.
Some of us might be little out-of-tune, but when we act together, we can act in harmony.
The Archbishop of Armagh’s presidential address yesterday presents a real challenge to us - to every diocese, every vestry, and every follower of Christ, that our mission must include action in response the climate crisis.
I welcome Bishop Davidson’s comments on this in his seconding of the report.
All of this reminds me of John Stott's words,
"Salvation is far more than merely the forgiveness of sins. It includes the whole sweep of God’s purpose to redeem and restore humankind, and indeed all creation."
Thank you