Winter arrives

In the southern hemisphere winter is from April to September, and don't
we know it today! It's absolutely freezing! Actually its not, it's 14C
but with a stiff wind making it feel about 6C. But when it was 36C last
Thursday it feels really cold. So we are all in our winter woollies and
the blankets are coming out for the beds tonight.

It's also the season for colds and sniffles. Hannah was off 3 days last
week with a fever. Then on Friday she came out in spots and we were
sure it was Measles. So we whisked her off to the doctor but it tuned
out to be just the virus she had coming out in spots with the heat.
They have quickly gone with the wind, the freezing breeze. The next
day, Saturday, Elijah was at the doctor with an ear infection. Then
yesterday I lost my voice. I'm so croaky now I should be a bar maid in
Corrination Street. I'm just about to go into 9th year maths, the
loudest class in the school. So a wee test was just photocopied minutes
ago and it's Silence Please!

Last Saturday we were invited out to a posh curry dinner. It's run by
the Damas Britanicas - British ladies - of whom hardly any are British.
They may have had British Grandparents, or half brothers or something,
any loose connection accepted. Still it was a good evening. We managed
to avoid all the old school, posh voiced, ex-pats which made the evening
much more enjoyable than it might have been.



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