How do we respond to environmental problems? New Wine 2017
New Wine Ireland Seminar 2017 Monday 10 July IT Sligo 2:45pm in Seminar 4 Some great books The Mission of God's People: A Biblical Theology of the Church's Mission (Biblical Theology for Life)– 1 Aug 2010, Zondervan; First edition (1 Aug. 2010), £15.99 The Radical Disciple– 19 Jul 2013 by John Stott (Author), IVP; First edition (19 July 2013), £9.99 Creation Care and the Gospel: Reconsidering the Mission of the Church by Colin and White (Author), Robert S Bell (Author), Hendrickson Publishers (1 May 2016) £19.99 Creation Care by Evangelical Alliance NI, Sept 2016. Caring for Creation– 4 Oct 2016 by Paul Douglas (Author), Mitch Hescox (Contributor) Bethany House Publishers (4 Oct. 2016), £9.99 Hope in an Age of Despair– 21 Jun 2013 by Jonathan A Moo Robert S White (Author) Publisher: IVP; First edition (21 Jun. 2013) £11.99 Surprised by Hope Paperback –by Tom Wright (Author) SPCK Publishing, 23 Sep 2011