Letter to Belfast Telegraph
This letter was published in the Belfast Telegraph on 7 Feb 2017. Dear Editor, Dr John Cameron’s letter of 2 Feb 2017, Climate change report alarmism, not science was useful in that in drew the public’s attention to the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Report , but his letter was recklessly useless in its comment on it. Dr Cameron makes an number of claims about climate science but offers no credible sources for his point of view. The Committee on Climate Change , who publish the report, draw upon peer-reviewed scientific papers in their work. Their conclusions are based on facts and evidence. Some indisputable facts about climate change are: global temperature has increased 0.85 ° C since 1880 , global sea level has risen an average of 0.19 m in 100 years , and CO2 levels in the atmosphere have increased almost 30% since 1958 ( graphs ). The last time the CO2 levels were above 400 parts per million was 4 million...