Motion passed at Down and Dromore Synod 2015
Explanatory note “Human-induced climate change, mainly a result of burning fossil fuels, is occurring fast and will confront humanity with its greatest ever challenge. The earth is on a pathway to global warming well beyond the 2°C internationally agreed as the maximum possible if we are to avoid cataclysmic climate change”. (The Bright Now Report) Scientists estimate that to avoid a 2°C temperature rise the maximum amount of carbon that can be produced by burning coal, oil and gas is one fifth of current reserves. This means that 4/5ths of existing fossil fuels must stay in the ground if we are too avoid catastrophic climate change. Care for creation is part of our calling as Christians, as 1 Cor 10:26 says, "the earth is the Lord's". Climate change will hit poorer nations the hardest. Proverbs 31:9 says, "Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Churches can speak up with a prophetic voice by removing investments from foss...