Reflections on General Synod
Church of Ireland Gazette - 29th May 2015. I WAS very encouraged by my first Church of Ireland General Synod and will explain why, as I share some first impressions. When I walked through the entrance to the Armagh City Hotel conference centre, the first thing that struck me was the variety of clerical dress and hairstyles. Had I arrived at a Father Ted convention by mistake? I batted that image from my mind and took in the variety of exhibition displays and saw a few familiar clerical faces. The place was buzzing. I found a seat in the main hall and soaked up the atmosphere. First up was the Presidential Address by the Most Revd Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. I had not seen the Archbishop in the flesh before and he is a real gentleman. The address started well, emphasising the importance of Church communities having good inter-relationships – very timely. Then he threw in some statistics, the most interesting being that only 15% of those ...