
Showing posts from February, 2006

Assembly - Who do we live for?

I'm sitting in the first assembly of the year. Patrick Butler, the Diocesan youth worker is leading. His theme is, "Who do we live for?". Often we live for our friends - to keep in with the crowd, or our parents - to keep them happy. But God wants us to please Him. Tim Curtis a gifted linguist and SAMS colleague - who has devoted his life translating the Bible into Exclet - a Paraguayan Indian language, spoken only by 3000 people, of whom few are literate. Why does he do it? To please God. Stephen

Start of the school year

School started last Monday with some training days for teachers. The head teachers reminded us of the vision of the St. Andrew's, "to bring young people and children to Christ". It was a good reminder of why we are teaching here in Paraguay. They also outlined the 43 year history of the school and what has been done in recent years - the expansion of the school and Annex, outreach into the Chaco and community, building wells, painting schools, and helping build homes. This will continue again this year. Looks like are are off to a good start.